Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Dear Stephanie

In english, we are learning about the play Macbeth. So far, we have read the first scene. And I have also learned of how its the "cursed" play. I am also learning how to blog, and with all the html codes and everything.

From Brianne


Act 1 Scene 4 lines 55-60

The Prince of Cumberland! that is a step
On which I must fall down, or else o'er leap,
For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires;
Let not light see my black and deep desires:
The eye wink at the hand! yet let that be,
Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see

I chose this passage because I think it means to be determined and go out for what you want.
And I also chose it because the wording drew me too it. For example, "Stars, hide your fires;" To me I think that this means that in the night, that is when most of your secrets are hidden, and in the light, they are shown and heard of. Like, if you do a crime at night, no one is there to see it because its dark, and nobody is around, but if you did it in the day, there would be people around and people would see it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

By Brianne and Andrew

Differences between the movie and the book Macbeth

1) The differences you saw between the movie and reading scenes one two and three.
• what was easier?
• what was more challenging and why?
• which one do you prefer and why?

- The differences that I saw between reading the book and watching the movie were that it was easier to understand when watching it, because it showed the actual meaning of the words they were saying. I easily interpret words in the wrong way, so it was easier for me to see how they were expressed for that specific scene. I prefer watching the movie, over reading the book, because movies are more exciting and you can get more out of it, and even though you might not notice, movie plots stick in your mind better than if you were to read it in dialogue, in a novel.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Actually.. I just put up the clips for fun... that wasn't my homework..

How far would I go to get what I desire most..?
It depends what it is actually, like I wouldn't kill anybody. At the moment, there is nothing that I desire most. But if there is (like for a job) I would try my hardest to get it, so in the end if I did get it, I'd know that I earned it. But if I didn't, I would go after something else and try harder.


Can you tell me how these videos connect to what you desire most. Do you want to break free and be famous is that what you are trying to say? Or do you want to be a musician I love that you have brought in the clips, but now I need you tell me what it is you desire most, pleas explain how they connect.
party in the usa
falling for you

Thursday, October 15, 2009


well now that you have discovered that you did it incorrectly, you now have a better understanding of how to do it. When you get a chance why not try and find some pics or you tube clips or quotes or anything from or on Macbeth to represent those terms. I am sure you and Stephanie will come up with some great ones. That is the beauty of the class blog. You can use the support of your classmates to help you with your learning and understanding.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Today in class, I learned nothing about Macbeth because I just found out that me and Steph did it wrong. We thought we only had to find pictures of power, loyalty, etc not of the actual Macbeth play.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009


The play Macbeth. Truthfully, I know nothing of it, i've only heard of the name. What is it about anyways?
Shakespeare, now that's a name I know of. I watched both movies of Romeo and Juliet in eng. 9. I used to know a lot about him, because of eng 10, like his birthday and everything, but I forgot it. But I do remember that he was married to Anne Hathaway(not the actress). I like Shakespeare, he made good plays.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Well I am glad that this presentation wasn't that bad for you because you were up there with friends. Why do you think friends help you when you are up there? Something to think about.