Sunday, December 6, 2009


I like how you have brought in some examples to show how power has corrupted Mac. What I would like to see you do is explain what he was like before and show the change. Also bring in quotes from the text to help develop your points as well. I have a post it for you to see more details in class. This will guide you when you write your essay.:)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Princess Bride

Today in class we watched Princess Bride. I have never seen this movie before but I thought it was very funny and very good. I liked the plot of the story and I'm looking forward to watching the end of it. The prince is like Macbeth, because he'll kill in order to get what he wants and he'll lie and cheat. In this case, he'll kill his own wife, just so he can start a war, and he lied to her about Wesley so that she won't suspect anything bad of him.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Essential Question

How does power corrupt?

In Macbeth, power corrupted him and Lady Macbeth to do things that they normally wouldn't have done. For example, if Lady Macbeth didn't want her husband to have all the power, then she wouldn't have convinced Macbeth to kill Duncan. Power corrupted Macbeth, by him trying to be a pleaser again and listening to his wife, and letting her convince him to follow through with her plan. Power is what also made Macbeth a tragic hero. He lost his way because he was so overwhelmed by the amount of power he attained, in such a short period of time. Greed and selfishness is also a main component in how power corrupted Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Thanks for keeping your blog up to date. I thought this way would be easier today as I am commenting on all your entries at once. Your presentation and process was creative and unique Adan I am glad that you enjoyed others. It is fun to see your learning curve. You have come a long way. As you have indicated you have a better understanding of the play especially by being so involved.

As for the tragic hero, you see him as a victim and you see how he and his wife are corrupted by their quest for power. Your have selected a key quote which shows LM and what she would do, yet I not quite sure how you see it fitting in with M. You've started, although I need you to go further.If you see me I can explain it to you. You are at a good starting point and I like how you have backed your thinking.:)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Tragic hero?

Do you see Macbeth as a tragic hero or not? Please bring in specific evidence from the text, you can also connect it to parts of your presentation to help support your argument. Make sure you explain what a tragic hero is. How do our EQ’s connect to this as well?

Macbeth to me, IS a tragic hero. I think this, because he started out good, he just lost his way because he let people mislead him and steer him in the wrong direction. He gives in easily to peer pressure. For example, here is a quotation on Lady Macbeth and how far she will go to make her husband get all power. And how he backs down from her peer pressure and does what she wants him to do.
"The raven himself is hoarse
That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan
Under my battlements. Come, you spirits
That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,
And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full
Of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood,
Stop up th’access and passage to remorse,
That no compunctious visitings of nature
Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between
Th’ effect and it. Come to my woman’s breasts,
And take my milk for gall, you murd’ring ministers,
Wherever in your sightless substances
You wait on nature’s mischief. Come, thick night,
And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell,
That my keen knife see not the wound it makes,
Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark,
To cry ‘Hold, hold!’ "

This quotation from Lady Macbeth states that she will do anything for power, even give up her woman hood. I chose this quote because it shows how much of a push over Macbeth is, and how he'll do what ever he can to please others. A tragic hero, is the main character who is in a tragedy, and has made a lot of errors in his time, which leads to his/her downfall in the end. My essential question is how does power corrupt? well, if it hadn't been for the power that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were striving for, then Lady Macbeth wouldn't have had an urge to push her husband into committing a crime this serious. My other essential question was how far is someone willing to get what they want. And in this case, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth went to great strengths to get what they wanted. And that was the throne, and they soon eventually got it. But all the lying and guilt took a toll on both of them, and thats how power also corrupted them. It back fired.


1. Please explain why you chose the method of presentation that you did?
2.What were your influences for this presentation?
3. Was this presentation any different then past presentations? Please explain.
4. Was this presentation any more challenging or was it easier than past presentations? Please explain.
5. Do you find yourself writing more on your private blog or on the class blog? Please explain.

1) We chose to make a slow mation of pictures because it was a neat way to interpret our ideas, and we thought that no one else would do it that way. And they didn't.

2) Our influences for our presentation, we used the same idea of a clip that Ashley found on youtube. We just did and simplified version of it and we didn't want to copy it completely by doing our whole project as that, so that's why we decided to act out the last scene.

3) Yes this presentation was different than all of my past presentations, because we used different kinds of technology and we used different methods. Usually we present our projects in a poster board kind of way, but posters are boring to look at during presentations and something that involves computers or any kind of technology is way more amusing to watch.

4) This presentation was easier than most of my past presentations, because we didn't have to memorize everything, because they were in pictures up on the power point. And also it was really easy for me for the acting part because all I had to do was play a ghost.

5) I like writing more on my personal blog, because I don't feel as judged by other people from what I write. When I put it on my personal blog, it's only between myself and the teacher so it's way more professional.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today's presentations

What connected for you during the presentations?

For me, after watching all of the presentations, they all matched up and connected really nicely. It flowed. I liked how everybody presented their scenes differently, because then we got to see a lot of different good ideas and how they interpreted their acts.

What are you going to remember about the play from viewing the presentations?
After watching the presentations, I think I'm going to remember Act 1 the best. I think this because they put a lot of humor into it, so it was very memorable. I'm also going to remember Act 3, because it was the scene that my group did, and that we researched and acted out.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Today's class

In class today, me and my group worked on our project for a little bit. We didn't use the whole block for it because all of our stuff was already pretty much done and all we had to do was put it together in our movie like thing, which was on Steph's computer at her house. But on the weekend we worked on it, and we got most of it all done. I learned that it's good to use class time to work on your project, but it's also good to have it all set up outside of school, so you don't have to rely on class time to actually finish it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Connecting our acts. Act 3

How do you see your act connecting to at least two EQ with examples from the passage.

• What can destroy or build a persons self worth?
A lot of things can determine whether a persons self worth is very high, or very low. For example, in the play Macbeth, his self worth was high at the beginning, and then it dropped drastically. It was high in the beginning, because he was very confident in himself to kill the king(which happened in act 1) it dropped a lot in my act (act 3) when he saw the ghost of Banquo at his dinner. He felt very guilty about his actions, thus causing him to make a huge scene in front of all of his guests. So lying and cheating can destroy a persons self worth, and accomplishing what you sought out to do, can build your self worth.

• How does one define a persons self worth?
A persons self worth, is defined by the person him/herself. Nobody else can tell you how to feel about yourself. Unless you have a very low self esteem, and you believe and listen to all the negative people tell you about yourself. In Macbeth, Banquo showed how high his self worth is, when he came back as a ghost to haunt Macbeth. If he didn't have a high self esteem as a human, he wouldn't have a very high one as a ghost. In Macbeth's case, he made his self worth very low, by all the wrong decisions and actions he has made, he has become to doubt and guilt himself. Not a very high self esteem I must say.

Friday, November 13, 2009


1)The activities have taken a good impact on me, because I have learned so many new things to do, that I never had before. The little activities we have done so far with Macbeth, have helped me find out what the play was about, before we actually finished the movie, so that was a bonus I thought. The activities have also helped me learn how to do different things on my blog. Even though it doesn't look like much, I've still put a lot of time and effort into it.
2)For our blogging, when we used WEB 2.0 I didn't really find it necessary to use, we can easily just type it up in our blog new posting ( like here) and do it that way, instead of typing it on the word document and copying and pasting it. Even though they are both easy, it's just less work without having to use the word application. The most helpful thing about using word, was when we had to make the word puzzle like assignment on wordle. All we had to do was press a couple keys and then it basically did all the work for you. The activity I think that helped me make a sense of the story Macbeth, was when each of our table groups did a little skit on it, and interpreted the story in our own little way. Gave it a twist if you must say. I think it helped making us read and watch the movie because it first helped us use our imagination and gives us all the details it doesn't show in the movie and then by watching the movie it shows us how they actually meant by what they were saying, and it shows us their emotions and how dramatic their lives were back then.
3)I have learned and progressed a lot since last year. I participate more with my peers then I did in previous, because I'm comfortable with the students around me, because a lot of them are my friends. For next term, I'm going to work on speaking more orally in class, and work on my presentation skills.
4) Looking at my work, I think my blogging is one of my strengths. It's easier for me to do well in school when I know what I'm doing, and when I don't I can just look it up on a website. This will hopefully help me next year, if we continue blogging, or use some other source of cyber assignments, because i'll be more experienced with it, so i'll know what to do, and i'll be even more comfortable working with computers.

Today's class

Today in class, I discovered that our project is going to be so much fun. It's going to be reallly fun and hopefully everybody will like it because we will be putting a lot of our effort into our project and we have a lot of fun and cool ideas to interpret into it. This is working for me because mostly whenever you have fun making a project, the final product ends up being fun.

Monday, November 9, 2009

my mark?

Out of 20, I would give myself a 20. Because I've done all the work that you have asked us to do, and my blog is always updated with my latest homework. I have links and pictures and comments from different friends, and I always reply back to you on your feedback for what I need to improve on for that piece of work. =]

Friday, November 6, 2009

Group Project -> Act 3 ~all scenes

For our group, which is act 3 in Macbeth, we are going to pursue making a video to show the class, in our own interpretation. I am going to be the role of Banquo and the ghost of Banquo. Krista is playing the role of Lady Macbeth and the masked killer, Stephanie is Macbeth and Fleance and Ashley is the murderer of Banquo. Our group understands our act because we know what happens to Banquo and why and we are going to try to interpret this in modern society. Banquo dies because he's a threat to Macbeth because he suspected that Macbeth killed the king. And Macbeth wanted him killed so he hired two killers to murder him, and persuaded them to thinking that Banquo was a big threat to himself. After Banquo is killed at the feast, Macbeth starts to hallucinate and sees Banquos ghost, because of all the guilty things he has accomplished. He ends up having a melt down in front of all his guests and Lady Macbeth has no choice but to dismiss them.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How does power corrupt?

In Macbeth, power corrupted him a lot. For example, it influenced him to kill, to manipulate, to lie, and to not be true to himself or the other people around him. And even Lady Macbeth felt the guilt.
Power is a very strong ability to have. It makes you feel superior and better than the rest. And thats why it makes you do things that you wouldn't normally do. Because since you have it, you can do, and almost get away with whatever you want.
So in the end, having too much power isn't always the best thing to have. Because no matter how much of it you have, your actions that you perform will always come back and bite you in the bum.
For example, Lady Macbeth lost her mind in the end, because all of the guilt built up from helping murder the king and keeping it a secret. And Macbeth, gaining the throne from lying and killing, and losing it by getting beheaded.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Dear Stephanie

In english, we are learning about the play Macbeth. So far, we have read the first scene. And I have also learned of how its the "cursed" play. I am also learning how to blog, and with all the html codes and everything.

From Brianne


Act 1 Scene 4 lines 55-60

The Prince of Cumberland! that is a step
On which I must fall down, or else o'er leap,
For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires;
Let not light see my black and deep desires:
The eye wink at the hand! yet let that be,
Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see

I chose this passage because I think it means to be determined and go out for what you want.
And I also chose it because the wording drew me too it. For example, "Stars, hide your fires;" To me I think that this means that in the night, that is when most of your secrets are hidden, and in the light, they are shown and heard of. Like, if you do a crime at night, no one is there to see it because its dark, and nobody is around, but if you did it in the day, there would be people around and people would see it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

By Brianne and Andrew

Differences between the movie and the book Macbeth

1) The differences you saw between the movie and reading scenes one two and three.
• what was easier?
• what was more challenging and why?
• which one do you prefer and why?

- The differences that I saw between reading the book and watching the movie were that it was easier to understand when watching it, because it showed the actual meaning of the words they were saying. I easily interpret words in the wrong way, so it was easier for me to see how they were expressed for that specific scene. I prefer watching the movie, over reading the book, because movies are more exciting and you can get more out of it, and even though you might not notice, movie plots stick in your mind better than if you were to read it in dialogue, in a novel.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Actually.. I just put up the clips for fun... that wasn't my homework..

How far would I go to get what I desire most..?
It depends what it is actually, like I wouldn't kill anybody. At the moment, there is nothing that I desire most. But if there is (like for a job) I would try my hardest to get it, so in the end if I did get it, I'd know that I earned it. But if I didn't, I would go after something else and try harder.


Can you tell me how these videos connect to what you desire most. Do you want to break free and be famous is that what you are trying to say? Or do you want to be a musician I love that you have brought in the clips, but now I need you tell me what it is you desire most, pleas explain how they connect.
party in the usa
falling for you

Thursday, October 15, 2009


well now that you have discovered that you did it incorrectly, you now have a better understanding of how to do it. When you get a chance why not try and find some pics or you tube clips or quotes or anything from or on Macbeth to represent those terms. I am sure you and Stephanie will come up with some great ones. That is the beauty of the class blog. You can use the support of your classmates to help you with your learning and understanding.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Today in class, I learned nothing about Macbeth because I just found out that me and Steph did it wrong. We thought we only had to find pictures of power, loyalty, etc not of the actual Macbeth play.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009


The play Macbeth. Truthfully, I know nothing of it, i've only heard of the name. What is it about anyways?
Shakespeare, now that's a name I know of. I watched both movies of Romeo and Juliet in eng. 9. I used to know a lot about him, because of eng 10, like his birthday and everything, but I forgot it. But I do remember that he was married to Anne Hathaway(not the actress). I like Shakespeare, he made good plays.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Well I am glad that this presentation wasn't that bad for you because you were up there with friends. Why do you think friends help you when you are up there? Something to think about.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Today in class, we had to do presentations about a bunch of different subjects. Mine, for example was self worth. And my presentation part stood out the most to me for that class because I hate presentations, I get really nervous, but I wasn't nervous for that presentation because I was with my friends. Today, I learned, that to defeat a mugger, you use wrist control and pull out your gun.